Trademark Filing
File a Trademark with our easy-to-use online filing system. $400 per trademark/class plus filing fees.
Trademark Search + Attorney Review
We will run a search and check to see if a trademark name is available and include an trademark search review. $400 flat fee.
Office Action
Oh No! My trademark application is blocked (it has received an Office Action). Get help drafting and filing a response to your Office Action. Office Actions can be simple or more complex (depending on the issues)
Trademark Renewal
Let us file your trademark renewal for you. Trademarks must be renewed between the 5th and 6th year after registration and every 10 years after that. $450 plus $575 filing fee (5-6 year) and $450 plus $650 (9-10 Year).
Extension Request
Did you file an Intent to Use trademark but you aren’t using it in commerce yet? We can file an extension for you. $375 ($250 legal fee and $125 filing fee)
Statement of Use
Did you file an Intent to Use trademark and need to file a Statement of Use because you are now using the name in commerce? We can file the Statement of Use for you. $450 plus $150 filing fee.
Trademark Correspondence
Time is money. Do you need to talk to an attorney about your trademarks? Give us a call or email (billed at hourly rates).